DataFile 1.4

Uses of Class

Uses of DataRow in

Methods in that return DataRow
 DataRow CSVFormat.parseLine(java.lang.String line)
          Parses a line of data properly formatted in CSV format into set of data.
          Retrieves the next row for reading or writing data
 DataRow DataFormat.parseLine(java.lang.String line)
           Parses a line of data into a DataRow object which contains each data item in individual cells.
 DataRow FixedWidthFormat.parseLine(java.lang.String line)
          Parses a line of text containing data contained according to pre-defined character widths.
 DataRow ItemPerLineFormat.parseLine(java.lang.String line)
 DataRow SimpleDelimiterFormat.parseLine(java.lang.String line)
 DataRow TabFormat.parseLine(java.lang.String line)
          parses a line of data separated by tab into DataRow object.

Methods in with parameters of type DataRow
 java.lang.String CSVFormat.format(DataRow row)
          Converts a set of data into a line in data file.
 java.lang.String DataFormat.format(DataRow row)
          Converts the data contained in the DataRow object into a line of data.
 java.lang.String FixedWidthFormat.format(DataRow row)
          Formats the data contained in DataRow object into a String according to pre-defined widths.
 java.lang.String ItemPerLineFormat.format(DataRow row)
 java.lang.String SimpleDelimiterFormat.format(DataRow row)
 java.lang.String TabFormat.format(DataRow row)
          Describe format method here.

DataFile 1.4

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